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Introduction to Telecom Billing Book

Telecom Billing Book
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Invoice Statement Invoice Statement
An invoice statement identifies outstanding (unpaid) invoices that are associated with a user, device or account.
Invoice Statement Invoice Statement
Invoice Statement
This figure shows a sample invoice. This invoice statement provides the customer account information (name, address, and account number) and invoice charge totals, along with detailed billing information. This example shows that the customer pays recurring charges (monthly fees) plus additional charges, such as taxes and communication costs, which are not part of their rate plan. The detailed charges identify the category of the charge (rate), the amount of usage (time), and any additional charges (surcharges) that may apply.
alt Telecom Billing Books
Telecom Billing Book
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Introduction to Telecom Billing Book
This book explains how companies bill for telephone and data services, information services, and non-communication products and services. Billing and customer care systems convert the bits and bytes of digital information within a network into the money that will be received by the service provide.

$11.99 Printed, $9.99 eBook
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